This includes things like too long, too short, just right; helpful to get you in the moment; helpful to be open to connections with others you likely wouldn't have prior; content presented; others?
This includes layout of the tables, amount of room provided by the venue, overall feel of the venue, how it compared to the last venue if you attended our first 2 events, parking, noise level, overall comfort. (P.S. We know mic was not loud enough, luckily we figured it out in time for YAD Shabbat :))
This includes if we matched above or below your desired age range, too many or too few matches, preference to be rotated or to be allowed to rotate freely, preference to be matched at all or have this be a completely open mixer. This is not about the people themselves. (P.S. we know time spent was not enough and it was hard to find them, we are changing this for our next event, promise!)
This includes location, day of the week, time of day, activity type or event type, if you want it partnered with a JEWISHcolorado event or individually hosted, etc.